
Design For Mankind has moved to its OWN .com site!

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quick rss issues.

For those of you subscribing through Google Reader, please update your feed right here so you don't miss a thing over at the new!

Love to you all.

one last thought...

As you know, Mankind Mag's second issue will be released MONDAY! I still have five spots left for the classified ad section [just $30!], so email me here if you'd like to support the mag.

Circulation is up to 15,000 readers, so take advantage now!


I'm signing off so I can work on the release of the NEW LOOK! No worries, it's nothing crazy; I rather like the format I have now. But I hope you'll enjoy a few aspects of what's to come...

Remember: 6pm is when the switch will flip! I can't guarantee all will be well right away, but everything should be running smoothly by Thursday morning.

See you then!

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